Go fishing!
Let’s have a little talk about how to make money after retirement. Retiring with too little income is like fishing with 5 feet of old line. You may think you’re going to eat tonight but even a little bite is going to break the line and live another day.
A lot of people are simply unaware of how much it takes to live with a comfortable retirement. Almost 10% of retirees are actually living in poverty. You can go fishing all you want. But only if you can retire with enough money to eat AND go fishing.
You can even eat those fish, my uncle had every kind of fish edible in his freezer. When company showed up, we knew it was going to be a fish fry! But he lived in a paid-off shack, down by the river.

Spend time with your grandkids. Make enough money after you retire to do what you want with them
How will you retire in the hogwash economy we are experiencing? Not to discount hogwash if you’re a feral pig.
But you’re going to be spending your retirement working for the local hardware store if something doesn’t change.
One way to start your own side gig is by using a platform with 4 billion potential customers… the INTERNET.
The Problem
The problem with starting your own internet marketing business? There are a ton of companies out there whose sole purpose is to sell you THEIR product for an exorbitant amount of money.
Even though THEIR product teaches you how to sell THEIR product and nothing else! You can tell who they are because THEIR product is plastered all over the internet AND the bathroom walls by all the people THEY’VE sold their product to.
For that, they’ll start out at $497 and head to the tune of $2 Grand in a heartbeat and keep on going.
And what will you get?

You don’t need to live like a hermit. You can have your cake and eat it too
- Bad training, or no training, their training doesn’t even include how to choose a niche. Which means they’ll train you how to lose money to THEM.
- The website domain company (like Wix or Go-Daddy) will charge an arm and a leg for anything extra than a basic, one page website. Oops, you need a plug in? CHA-CHING! Which means the website is inexpensive but if you want it to work, you’ll have to take out a second mortgage to get it to work.
- They’ll charge you for the inadequate training and it is way too expensive. Which means you’ll be sitting there on the couch wondering why you can’t afford to feed your spouse.
- No one told you your niche was a dead end, they just wanted your money. Which means your kids will be wondering if you don’t have a touch of dementia going on.
- Then when their product doesn’t work, they blame it on you and show you the industry guarantee. Which is… wait for it… not guaranteed. Which means you dumped a ton of money and THEY are secretly laughing at you while they count YOUR money.
Why there is no guarantee.
Why isn’t there a guarantee? Because approximately 7 out of every 10 people who try it, don’t make it in the industry. Not because it’s those 7 people’s fault, mind you.
- Because a lot of companies don’t care about the 7 that don’t make it, they just care about your money. They want to work with the 3 who take to the industry like a bigmouth bass to the worm on your line.
- Some of those 7 people just got in the wrong training, they went with the companies who don’t CARE whether they are teaching anything relevant.
- Others choose the wrong niche the first time, and then decide to quit, because there is no one to coach them on how to find the RIGHT niche.
- Still others never get out of the starting gate, the training doesn’t tell you how to create the website or the ad, they just hype you up into thinking you’ll be a millionaire by next week, so you plop down your money.
- And some just sit on the couch trying to soak up the training but the training is too freakin difficult to understand. Worse yet, you need a degree in mechanical whatchamacallit to figure it out.
- Lastly, some just never hit the button to create their first ad because the training doesn’t even point them in the direction of the GO button.
How YOU are going to make money after retirement.

Take the leap NOW! Don’t wait until it’s too la
But SOME of those seven do, like you, will:
- Find good training, you won’t be sitting on the couch wondering what to do next.
- Follow that training, which means you’ll have step-by-step instructions.
- Get help when stuck from the people who create that training, which means you won’t be alone trying to figure it out.
- It’s good training, you won’t be explaining to your family why it didn’t work.
- It’s abundant training, you’ll be learning what you need to learn.
- You’ll find a good niche after trying a few bad ones, which means you’ll be happy doing this.
- You’ll make a great income with it, which means you can take your grandkids fishing with you.
You’ll be creating ads, you’ll test those ads and MAKE it in your new business. You’ll find out all that heartache and staying up late wringing your hands was worth it. Then you’ll go fishing with all that extra time you have after making a real retirement.
Finding the right program for how to make money after retirement
So how would you like to find a great company who:
- Has easy to understand step-by-step training, so you don’t have to worry whether you can follow it.
- Gives you help choosing a niche, so your friends and family are excited that you are doing something you are already good at or something you are interested in. You’ll love the reaction to their excitement.
- Teaches you how to create that website in 30 seconds or less, so you aren’t sitting there for months on end wondering if this will work for you.
- You’ll have ongoing training on the Big Four steps of internet affiliate marketing, So you become the expert people seek out.
- Has 800,000 other marketers there on the platform who do their own training modules, free to you, which means whatever question you have, there is always someone to answer it.
- Has a live chat online that is there for you, when you need it.
- Offers free domains of their server, and giving you the ability to choose and purchase domains of your own, all on a friendly community oriented platform.
- ALL without spending that exorbitant amount of money just to get into the program.
The guarantee?
Well, there is still no guarantee you won’t be the couch potato or the one who walks away after the first little mistake, etc etc. But you CAN try it for 7 days free (maybe more if you keep your line in the water without shaking your fishing pole).
THEN you can try it for $19 for the first month. Then after that it’s a low monthly fee for maintaining the website FOR you.
So you can relax knowing if the site goes down, someone will be there to take care of it, and YOUR investment.
That’s enough to actually build YOUR website in 30 seconds or less. With plenty of time to refine it!
To find out if this is for you, to PUBLISH it! And you don’t HAVE to try it 6 more times before you realize this is the best thing since brook trout wrapped in BACON, bar none.
That may not be a guarantee of success but you won’t be ripped off of a bunch of money with no recourse. You’ll be popular with the family because you take care of yourself AND go fishing. That’s the important part.
Plus, how will they feel when YOU offer to make them a website for THEIR new business?
So click here now and get ready for FREE training.
Don’t wait, this offer won’t last long, lots of people are taking advantage of the free offer so get it now before it’s gone!

(You qualified for free training just by getting this far!)
7 days free on the platform.
We’ll actually show you how to BUILD THAT WEBSITE IN 30 SECONDS OR LESS.
What kind of whopper are you going to catch?
Don’t wait!

Want to know more? Go here for more information: The Best Training Possible
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Thanks for sharing!
Ben, thanks for coming by!