Integrate Abundance

Dream Big And Make It Happen

Living Life In Abundance, Integrate It Into Your Life.


How you can create a great income with little or no experience, and without breaking the bank.  

(Hint:  It’s not signing up for an uber expensive training course where they do all the work for you.)

Are you tired of the 9-to-5 day-in and day-out grind that 95% of us call life on Planet Earth?  

The alarm goes off every morning whether you like it or not, you drag your tired body out of bed and make yourself presentable for the other robots at work.  They are just like you, they are the zombies who work and interact with you for 8 to 10 hours a day.  

Once you’re “presentable” you go to the kitchen, brew up some coffee because that’s where your mental energy to deal with the day’s dilemmas comes from and then stuff an egg and a few pieces of toast in your mouth.  

Then out the door to the traffic jam where you get to weave in and out of the idiots behind wheels.  They are the ones who think merging at the last second and cutting two other cars off is some sort of victory.  And finally you get to the building that all the other robots hang out in for their allotted trading-time-for-money day is spent.  

Then you go home.  You have very little precious time with the spouse and kids, eat some pasta, maybe some ice cream for dessert, (pie is too expensive) and off to bed for everyone.  Every… day… of… your… life. 


There is a reason you came here. There is a reason you found yourself here at this particular time.  Things really do happen for a reason and you have a big one!  You are looking for something else. More and easier income into your life.

It could also be the very things everyone else is running from right now in this tumultuous time in history.  You could finally be tired of being broke, stuck at home, and have no money for the kids even to play soccer on the soccer team at school.  

One recent study stated literally 85% of the population is coming up short on income each and every month, racking up that extra debt on credit cards just to take care of normal monthly expenses. 

Your cards may already be maxed out and you’re looking for a way out.

Tired of a J.O.B

Maybe it’s not that serious, you’re in a lousy dead end job and you’re tired of the boss pushing you to do what they wouldn’t do themselves.  

With just a little more abundance, you could be working whenever you want on whatever you want, without a boss who expects you to do everything for nothing so he can pay for his new Turbo T-bird with your sweat and tears.  

Time to do something you’ve been wanting to do for ages, start working toward a time when you can tell him you’re leaving to go out and earn your own T-bird!

Enjoying time together with no worries.

Health Issues?

Your health could be deteriorating and soon you won’t be able to perform the job you were trained for.  Soon you’ll need to have another source of income that isn’t back breaking or requires massive amounts of mental energy.

With a better source of income you could be purchasing better healthcare or gym equipment so you can take control of the situation and have the time to start working toward better health.

Better education.

Maybe you’d like to afford a better education or tuition for the kids.  And being an intelligent person, you want to do all these things without going deeper in debt!

Living Life In Abundance

Time to Integrate Abundance in your life.

Whatever you came for, this website is dedicated to helping you do that.

“This website is dedicated to helping people like yourself create income for the present and the future to live the life you deserve.”

Would you like to do more of the things you enjoy, go more places, meet new people, to be able to afford a nice home?  Or have more money just to RELAX?

Creating the Foundation

Is it time for you to start working toward financial independence?  Only you can decide to throw off the bedcovers you’ve been hiding under, get up, and get to work.  No one will tell you when, we can only offer the best solution to the problem. 

You are the one who needs to build that foundation.  The tools offered on this website will HELP YOU GET ON THE RIGHT PATH.  That includes free training.  It includes the support you need to get the job done.  Waiting only puts off what your true path is.  Waiting only makes it harder to get up.  To get to work.

INTEGRATING ABUNDANCE in our lives creates the foundation that allows us to do things we never dreamed of and have a life most of us don’t even know exists.  Abundance also allows us to pay off those pesky credit cards.  It allows us to not only see the actions we can take to improve our health but to afford the resources to stay healthy.


It means we have more time for the kids.  We have more time for the fun stuff like golfing, fishing, and going on camping trips.  We have more time to take the kids or grandkids to the pool. 

We can relax knowing retirement will be more about getting out and doing the stuff we always wanted to do but had no time or couldn’t afford it, instead of sitting on the couch waiting for the Mac Truck Of Fate to come along and send us over the rainbow bridge.

Two Choices

You have two choices.  

Choice Number One: You can keep studying the opportunity this website offers, below are links to other reports and resources to help you make the decision to get started.  Here is a quick Free Report with more information.

OR Choice Number Two: If you are ready to get started, sign up now for the free training, 7 days of free trial membership and spend your momentum on getting it going!  

If you have questions you can ask the 800,000 people who are already successful, they will be HAPPY to tell you how THEY did it!  

AND, this fits within ANYONE’S budget.

Step One: Intro to Affiliate Marketing

What’s affiliate marketing and how does it work? A beginner’s guide.

So you’ve heard the term, now what is it, what is this Affiliate Marketing business?living life in abundance

It’s just a great way of making an income online.

How did I come across the Affiliate Marketing business?

I was online a while back and happened to be inundated with a web ad that promised instant riches, no chance of failure, and ease of…

Is Affiliate Marketing a Scam? 5 Facts about Affiliate Marketing.

Are you afraid of being taken for a fool or worse yet being scammed out of money?

affiliate marketing

What exactly is affiliate marketing, and is it a scam?

So you’ve heard enough about affiliate marketing to be interested in checking it out.  Let’s do a little exploring together.  To determine if affiliate marketing is a scam, one must first define the term “affiliate marketing”.

Affiliate marketing is a means by which a company can get new customers by allowing a middleman, an affiliate marketer, to explain for themselves what the product represents to them…

Step Two: Important Tools For Affiliate Marketing

Wealthy Affiliate Review

Make The Grass Greener On Your Side Of The Fence.

affiliate marketing

The Technical Stuff:

Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Price: One Free Starter Level, one paid Premium Level.
Owners: Kyle, Carson
Overall Rank: 98 out of 100

Wealthy Affiliate product overview, what is it?

Wealthy Affiliate is a web hosting platform for the novice as well as an experienced affiliate marketer that offers free training, in order for YOU to earn an extra income.  A review of Wealthy…

Jaaxy Keyword Tool Review

 Jaaxy is the worlds most advanced keyword tool.
Affiliate marketing

Name: Jaaxy Keyword Tool


Price: Free level, $19 Pro Level, and $49 Enterprise Level with Wealthy Affiliate membership

Owners: Wealthy Affiliate Owners, Kyle and Carson

Overall Rank: 100 out of 100

What are we talking about here? Keywords.

They are the whole basis of the online experience. If you want to find out ANYTHING on the internet, what do you do? Type in keywords…

Step Three: How to get it done

Choosing a Niche, How to Get the Right Niche the First Time.

What exactly is a niche, you say?

This is your little square kilometer/mile of real estate in the vast expanse of business commerce in the world of online marketing.
Choosing a niche, how to choose a niche market

If you envision walking through a shopping mall, you will see a range of stores from little mom-and-pop shops selling baseball caps in the back corners to huge three-floor anchor department stores selling items as diverse as bedding and business suits.

And, of course, just like the mall example, if you start out …

Creating Your Website in 30 Seconds or Less

how to create a website for free

Have you always wanted to create your own website?

I can show you, step by step, how to do just this, and it will take you less than 30 seconds. So hold onto your hat!  This will be your first step on a new journey to earn an extra income.

What is WordPress?

First off let’s look at what WordPress is…

How To Get Traffic To Your Website.

Do you want to turn your website into a Super Highway of Traffic?

This post will give you that quick primer as to how to get traffic on your website for free, through the use of social media.  Social media isn’t the be-all end-all method. It’s one method among many.  There are quite a few lessons to learn along this path and delving into the subject is easy if you have access to the training.

Social media is a good way to get your information out to the public.  Some sites, you’ll use to post a quick note directing traffic to your next blog…

Step Four: Special SEO Keyword Section

Choosing Effective Keywords for Website SEO

What in the world is SEO and how can it help ME?

SEO drives the ranking of your website compared to all the other websites vying for position in the long list of Google, Yahoo, and Bing search offerings when you search on a particular term.  Earlier in the history of the internet, a keyword could be a single word, such as “income,” Nowadays, a keyword can be several words in a string, such as “average college student income”.

So how does SEO work with a single keyword?

When you pull up Google and type in a term…

Find Keywords For Website Success: One Simple Process.

How do the experts find keywords for website success?

Funny you should ask! There is a website with a free starter membership, just for that, and I am going to help you through the process of finding a few keywords.
find keywords for website

Do I need any tools for this process?

Yes, you will need at a minimum, a FREE subscription to The Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool. The images I’ll be showing you are from my Jaaxy PRO account. Yours will be slightly different as you’ll have the Free Membership dashboard. After you are comfortably signed up, you have your coffee…

Step Five: Six Special Wealthy Affiliate Posts

What are YOUR income goals?

Health – Wealth – Time, By Loes

Jerry Huang Has A Message For ALL Beginners.

Success is a journey, Not a goal, By Steve

Marion Black, How to ask a question and get the right answer!

Getting Rolling! By Kyle

Step Six: Find Out Why You Want To Get This Done NOW!

Do you want to help yourself?

Do you want to know how to earn an income from home online!

how to earn an income from home online

Then you’ve come to the right place.  You do not need a degree in business or computers.  This opportunity will allow you to learn how to create a website, get that website up and running, and make an income online…

Do you want a self sufficient life?

What is self-sufficiency?

living life in abundance

Is it taking care of you and your family? Not using a credit card to buy groceries? How about overall financial well-being?

Self-sufficiency is you being able to pay all the bills, then getting to enjoy the extra money to pay off the credit cards or tuition debt…

What Is Stopping YOU? Procrastination?

Have you ever wondered why you have bigger, better, more enjoyable or important things to do than what you are presently doing, and can’t find the time to do them?

You’re not alone.

You’re SO not alone that there is a word for it… PROCRASTINATION.  I ask myself on a daily basis, why do I procrastinate on everything?  And it’s so difficult to overcome that there are literally millions of websites catering to the problem…

Let’s Get You On The Road To Prosperity NOW!

First things first. 

Let’s go over to the Wealthy Affiliate site, where you can set up and log in with your free starter account. 

NO CREDIT CARD required, so don’t worry about being charged for something you didn’t sign up for.  We do this to make sure you know you can trust us. 

Then you’ll want to enter the rest of your account information and upload a picture.  You know having a picture tells the other users you are serious about starting a business and lets us know you’re not a ROBOT!

I’ll be contacting you over there because I want your life to


INTEGRATE ABUNDANCE now has a Facebook Group Available!

My PERSONAL Invite to YOU to Become a Remarkable Entrepreneur!

How do you know if you’re ready for the Road To Abundance?

Answer these five questions from the bottom of your heart.

  • Are you tired of working for someone else who doesn’t care about you or your family?
  • Do you end up exhausted at the end of the day just trying to make ends meet? 
  • Are you looking for a way to make an honest income online?
  • Do you dislike selling anything to other people?
  • Do you like telling other people about things you’ve done or bought that you have enjoyed?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you’re ready to start the journey.

This isn’t a get rich quick scheme, it takes some training (included).  It’s not hard, although it takes persistence. And lastly, it takes some time, you need to work at it.  Come JOIN me!

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