Integrate Abundance

Dream Big And Make It Happen

Hi there, Carol and Steve here!

WELCOME to our website. Steve created this website to assist fellow believers in working through a few of the problems that we have encountered ourselves.


At this writing Steve is 63 years young and approaching that next big life transition rapidly…retirement. It seems like the last sixty years have flown by, and as each of us look back we’ve had a great life, accomplished lots, and had the opportunity to be part of some really great people’s lives.

Steve has been able to work on some hardware that orbits other planets, owned his own business, pursued educational goals and saw them come to fruition in different career paths. So he’s been a busy guy.

Carol is on the north side of 50 (nothing specific here, just know she IS a babe compared to Steve!) has progressed from Systems Analyst in a large multi-national insurance company, obtained a Master’s Degree in English with a Secondary Education emphasis,  to teaching 6th grade language arts at one of the premier school districts in the United States.

Through all of those accomplishments, we’ve certainly enjoyed life including all the ups and downs!  We want to arise in the morning together, knowing our combined family is well taken care of and we don’t have to bail out the door every morning to labor away paying someone else’s mortgage or someone else’s sports car payment.

We want to be able to buy Christmas and birthday presents for the grandchildren without worrying whether we’ll suffer at the end of the month for it.


The people we want to help, our peers, are Christians as well as people of belief of any persuasion. We find that there is a world of science out there to learn and enjoy, and improve our lives.  And there is a world of believers out there who have a lot to learn and enjoy, as well as improvement to our lives.  No, I didn’t repeat myself, there are two totally complete perfect worlds out there that do not have to deny each other.  That need is strictly a human need.


Our goal is it help you through the uncertainty of becoming prosperous by offering some ideas and options to help you through this transition as we are working through it alongside you.  We’ll be there for discussion as well as advice on different aspects of the process and maybe through that, we’ll all succeed!

As always, if you have any questions, we love hearing from you, ask below!

Also please leave us a comment!  

And SHARE this page with your friends!

All the best,

Steve and Carol


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