Integrate Abundance

Dream Big And Make It Happen

So you are ready to take the leap, but you don’t know the best way to get into Affiliate Marketing.

You woke up this morning to the fact that you need to make some extra money. Your kids are hungry, the house payment is due and you don’t get paid for another week and a half. Oh, and the dog needs her rabies tag. AND you have a slow leak in one of the car tires.

Affiliate Marketing is calling your name and it’s a smart way to go, there are 4.5 billion possible customers out there waiting for you. But you don’t know how to get started. Never fear, this post will help!

Table of Contents

  1. Why Are You Going To Do This?
  2. When Will You Do This?
  3. What Are You Going To Be Doing?
  4. Where Are You Going To Do This?
  5. Who Are You Going To Do This For?
  6. How Are You Going To Do This?

Starting anything new is always difficult.  Will I fail, will I run into roadblocks I can’t overcome?   What if I find out it “just isn’t for me”?

What if my friends have tried and failed at everything they came across and want to make sure I can’t do something they couldn’t do.  What if they laugh at me?

The thought of tackling something this daunting is fearsome.

Ask yourself this question.  What is the single most critical thing stopping you from taking that leap? Is it the fear of failure?  Is it the fact you’ve seen your own friends fail?  

Maybe you or a friend has been scammed online and you are wary of that happening again?

Or you really want to get started but have no idea how to do that, what it looks like, or what the first step is.

the best way to get into affiliate marketing, best way to get started in affiliate marketing

So lets run through the 5 Ws and H. Why, when, what, where, who, and the HOW.

WHY are you going to do this?

the best way to get into affiliate marketing,best way to get started in affiliate marketing

For the kids, for your spouse. For that “67 Corvette the old guy at the end of the street wants to get rid of. For the trips you’ll take to your home town with your spouse and kids.

For the college education your kids deserve, for the soccer lessons and LAX lessons the kids that want to be good in sports need. For the long days off you and your spouse will spend at the beach, for your grandkids’ birthday parties and presents.

For the trips to the museum with them when they have a day off from school and you don’t have to work because you’ve got this rolling and are loving the free time you can spend with them. For financial independence and all that entails, period.

WHEN will you do this?

the best way to get into affiliate marketing, best way to get started in affiliate marketing

Now, because there is no better time than now. Why wait til next month, you have a free trial coming so now is the time to start on it. And when you start you’ll start learning how to do affiliate marketing, IMMEDIATELY.  

You’ll have that website up in no time, and you’ll gain momentum so when the big lessons come you’ll have the little ones tucked back where you can remember them.

You’ll start on this now because for every month you wait to get started, that’s one more month you’ll have to wait to reap the rewards of being independent of a J.O.B. You’ll want to start on it now because it isn’t instant, it takes work, patience, and persistence. And time… so start now.

WHAT are you going to be doing?

the best way to get into affiliate marketing, best way to get started in affiliate marketing

You’re going to be studying the business, choosing niches, finding affiliate programs, researching keywords and publishing reviews.

You’re going to take the tiger by the tail, take the plunge, start your engine, hit the ground running and get on the bus Gus, there ain’t no better ride.

You’re going to sign up with the best company online, learn the business that’s going to take you to freedom with your family, freedom to visit far off places and have lots of time to do that.

WHERE are you going to do this?

the best way to get into affiliate marketing, best way to get started in affiliate marketing

In your living room. At the local coffee shop, in your home office, on the beach. You’ll be able to film a video down at the pool or at the playground, or in the garage, whatever is relevant to your niche.

You’ll wake up at 3 AM with ideas screaming in your head that you’ll write down, right there on your nightstand. You’ll write a little just before you head down to dinner at the hotel you’re staying at.

You’ll do this in the parking lot at the mall after getting a wild idea while shopping for jewelry. Because there are no physical boundaries for writing about your niche, snapping relevant pictures or even taking inspiring videos.

WHO are you going to do this for?

the best way to get into affiliate marketing best way to get started in affiliate marketing

Nine grandkids, six kids, one spouse. Your mom, your dad, your grandparents, even though they may be gone, they will be proud of you.

Your sister, your brother, your best friend. You’re going to do this for the flood victims you’ll donate clothes for. You’ll do this for the homeless people that you’ll be buying turkeys for and feeding this holiday season.

You’ll do this for the animal rescue group you got Otis the Bassett Hound from. You’ll do this for ALL the people who you will motivate to follow you through that open door you’re standing in front of.

the best way to get into affiliate marketing, best way to get started in affiliate marketing

Because if you don’t do it, countless other people you are going to affect with this won’t have that impetus to get it going without you coaxing them. You’re going to do this for people you’ll never know.

But they’ll know you.

Best of all, you’re going to do this for YOURSELF.

the best way to get into affiliate marketing, best way to get started in affiliate marketing

HOW are you going to do this?

Building a business online requires three things. Education, website, and support.

First you’ll need education. You’ll be able to create your website right along the lessons you’ll be studying.  

Because the online world is so vast even the smartest people on the planet don’t walk into this thing knowing everything about how to do it. So do not feel like you’re alone in that.

Anything worth doing requires some education at first.

Wealthy Affiliate offers 120 different lessons that walk you step by step all the way through creating the website, how to write posts, how to get traffic, how to choose keywords, which social media sites are best.

—A Review of Wealthy Affiliate, Is It Just Another Dead End?—

These are not 20 minutes of someone telling you they are going to tell you how to do something.

the best way to get into affiliate marketing, best way to get started in affiliate marketing

They are the meat and potatoes of this business. THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT. Perform the tasks, then NEXT LESSON.

How frustrated have you gotten when someone said they were going to show you how to do SEO but are really just promoting their own little SEO business.

There is a very popular guy on YouTube who is a dynamic motivating individual, who does nothing but tell you he’s going to show you how to do it. And he never shows you. I like his videos, he’s great at motivating me, but no meat and potatoes.

the best way to get into affiliate marketing, best way to get started in affiliate marketing

You’ll Need a Website

Next you’ll need a WEBSITE, so how about a free one. And that education I just talked about is going to walk you through how to create one with ease.

Once you get to that lesson, it’ll take you 30 seconds to create that website. And that’s in about the fourth lesson of the free trial education.

So you’ll be going in, getting enough free training to get your website up and getting it out there on the internet, before ever thinking about the Premium Membership.

Then what you’ll get is SUPPORT. There are experts in the field of affiliate marketing coming out of the woodwork on this platform. They will befriend you before you have a chance to even look for them.

There is even a live chat line where fellow affiliate marketers hang out to talk about the business. so when you’re sitting there working away, you can ask questions!

Plus you’ll have a message thread right on your profile page that you can interact with me and the owners of the company, as well as 800,000 other affiliate marketers.

Training and support at Wealthy Affiliate are NOT one of the reasons you will EVER fail at this business. So follow me over to the website here. I have an introductory video you can watch.

Even walking required help from mom or dad to hold you up while you strengthened those legs and started practicing your balance to get started. And they kept picking you up, encouraging you to try again. So let’s get going!

This is the best way to get started in Affiliate Marketing.

the best way to get into affiliate marketing, best way to get started in affiliate marketing

Oh, by the way, did I mention the FREE training? DON’T WAIT! Time is important here. Your FUTURE is important! Go here to find out more!

===> Start Wealthy Affiliate Here <===

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What would you be comfortable making per month if you had your own internet business?


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