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Lacking a little energy lately?

Here is a list of the best vitamins men can take.

Do you show up mentally for the task at hand but don’t get there energy-wise?Maybe what you need is a little boost in the vitamin department. Here are our picks for the top five best vitamins for men and what they will do for YOU! Before taking these recommended vitamins remember to check with your doctor for interactions with any medications you may be taking, as some do interact with common prescription medications. Also this list is strictly the opinion of the author and may or may not reflect the findings of recent medical industry based research.

We went out and did a little research ourselves, polling some of the top vitamin suppliers’ websites to find out what they recommend for best vitamins for men. We know how the big multivitamin companies such as the makers of Centrum and One-A-Day tell you that their product is good for all around health, which is great if you need that specific amount of every specific vitamin in their concoctions.

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But firstly, everyone is different, so that particular mix of vitamins may or may not work for you.But secondly, those multivitamin things are almost as hard as a rock, they may or may not dissolve when they are supposed to and approximately 84.5% of them end up in the sewer system, and out into the rivers of the world. So here are a few suggestions to go along with your multivitamins if you want to take them, your choice.

Number One – Vitamin D.Without a doubt, to start off the list of best vitamins for men, almost 100% of the big vitamin companies recommended Vitamin D as the number one vitamin for men’s health. Vitamin D is not absorbed from sunlight, as is commonly thought, the ultraviolet rays trigger production of Vitamin D in the skin.

Vitamin D isn’t found naturally in very many foods but is essential to the human body.Vitamin D helps in the production and replenishment of bone. A lack of vitamin D can be a major cause of brittle bones. Some foods high in vitamin D are tuna, and the fatty fishes such as mackerel and salmon. Lower amounts can be found in beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks. Also there are foods fortified with vitamin D, like dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, and cereals.

Number Two – Omega-3. Omega-3s are required for good eye health, and in lowering the risk of heart disease, and helps in brain functions. Some studies have shown a reduced risk of coronary heart disease in populations with high omega-3 intake. Omega-3s are considered essential nutrients and attention should be made to ensure adequate consumption.

These of course can be taken in capsule formor by eating the fatty fishes listed under Vitamin D, tuna, mackerel and salmon, but also in flax seed, chia seed, walnuts, and spinach, and low amounts in beef and other seafood. Omega-3 deficiency can lead to dermatitis, poor eye health and brain function.

Number Three – Vitamin B-12, is good for red blood cells,and neural or brain function. It can be found in meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and milk products. A deficiency of Vitamin B-12 can cause numerous symptoms, including anemia, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight loss, as well as constipation. It can also cause high LDL cholesterol, and low HDL cholesterol. Studies have shown that vegetarians are more susceptible to Vitamin B-12 deficiency due to the fact that B-12 comes exclusively from animal foods.

Number Four – Vitamin K helps prevent osteoporosis and lowering the risk of coronary heart disease. It can be found in spinach, broccoli, iceberg lettuce, soybean oil and canola oil, and in lesser amounts in some fruits, such as blueberries, grapes and figs. Vitamin K is also found in some fermented foods such as cheese, and can be found in the health food aisle in pill, capsule, liquid and powder form. Deficiency of Vitamin K can lead to blood clotting problems and as such a Vitamin K supplement should be discussed with your doctor of you are taking anticoagulants such as Warfarin or Coumadin.

Number Five – To round out our list of the best vitamns for men,we couldn’t leave out a staple of every vitamin list.  The last vitamin in our study, isn’t a single vitamin but several vitamins that fall into the category “anti-oxidants”. There are several of these vitamins including vitamins A, C, and E which are arguably the most important of the anti-oxidants. Liver and fish oils are good sources of Vitamin A, as well as sweet potatoes and beef liver. Be careful with too much Vitamin A as there are some health risks, (as well as risks to women during pregnancy).

Vitamin A helps in the immune department as well as vision and cell growth. Vitamin C can be obtained through consumption of citrus fruits such as oranges, other fruit and vegetable juices such as tomato and vegetables such as potatoes.

Vitamin C is good for cancer prevention and cardiovascular disease prevention as well as a means to enhance the other antioxidants.  We, as humans, cannot synthesize Vitamin C, so we have to collect it from food sources.  Too much Vitamin C has been associated with kidney stones.

Vitamin E can be obtained through nuts, seeds and vegetable oils. Vitamin E helps in maintaining a good immune system, cancer and cardiovascular disease prevention.

We hope this list of the best vitamins for men helps with your nutritional needsduring exercise and other functions of the real male inside you.  As always, it is better to obtain nutrition with the foods we eat, through a good diet, and of course, good exercise. these are also the best vitamins for men over 50.

When that isn’t possible, or everyday life is a cause of stress, extra vitamins can help. This is a guide to some of the vitamins available to men, and as stated earlier, if you have any medical conditions, or are under the care of a doctor, consult your doctor before taking extra supplements. These vitamins may or may not help any particular condition and more information can never hurt.




















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