Integrate Abundance

Dream Big And Make It Happen

Are you tired of looking for a good Christian work home business opportunity, but all the options are just repetitions of the same scams?

christian work home business opportunities

Most of them, including one I’ve done a scam report on, are there not only to take YOU, but to take anyone and everyone around you. If you’re like me, the top moral goal I strive for is HONESTY.

And I expect that from other people in business as well as personal life.  I have to be honest, brutally or diplomatically.  If I am not being honest with someone, I will lay awake at night worrying about it.

christian work home business opportunities

Even in my relationships, I refuse to tell a lie. Not only would I worry about it but it shows on my face and in my mannerisms. All those ads that tell people how to detect a lie, I’d be found out so quick your head would spin.

When someone asks me to do something, I won’t give them a lame excuse, I like to tell them the truth. “Right now, I don’t want to do it.”  No excuses. When someone asks me why or if I did something, I’ll tell them outright, and take the full blame for it. What you see is what you get.

Ask my wife, she’ll tell you the same thing, I am honest to a fault. I will drive a person up the wall with my need to be honest.

That’s why, when I DO keep my mouth shut long enough to surprise her with a party, it’s so much more fun!  If she’d ask me if I planned a surprise party, I’d say none of your business. Which she would know right off that I did.

christian work home business opportunities

This year, for her birthday, I planned a lame pre-party a week early so she would think that was the party and it was so lame I didn’t invite half the kids, there were 8 people that showed up and the weather even cooperated with a steady drizzle.

After the lame party, the whole week BEFORE the real party she kept saying what a lame party. And of course, my apologetic attitude for a lame party played right into it. Until the night of the real party.

We strolled in our favorite restaurant, she had NO clue that close to 50 people were waiting in a corner of the restaurant. BIG surprise!

With that in mind, I’m not trying to be holier than thou, it’s just that business for me has to be honest. If I smell any inkling of dishonesty, I’m out of there.

You know most Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) companies have that feeling, and don’t get me wrong there are great Network Marketing companies out there, such as Amway, and Senegence, to name a couple.

There are a few others, but most operate on the premise that you are their victim.

christian work home business opportunities

Online make-an-income companies are also rife with covert operations just itching to take your money and leave you wondering how you lost $2500 just taking the training from them, let alone failing to get a website up and running.

My next-door neighbor just went through that scenario, to the tune of $4000, and they actually DO have a great product they are trying to market on Amazon.

The company I just wrote the review for is one of them, only they are claiming it’s a Christian thing. Well, I’m not the most upstanding Christian in the world, but I don’t try to take my fellow Believers, in the name of God, no doubt, whatever denomination they are. Oops, off my soapbox!

Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to get involved with a particular company that, due to the honest manner in which they do business, I would class as GOOD Christian work home business opportunity.

 My choice of the best Christian work home business opportunity is an online webhosting company.

It is also honest in its dealings, and customer service. I like the community of people, and it offers all aspects needed for a person to make money online. It’s a company that teaches Affiliate Marketing.

“Probably the best part of this website is the community.”

They offer free training to get your business website up and running, including Phase One of the Affiliate Bootcamp. They offer hosting for 50 of your own websites when you sign up for the Premium Membership, amongst a ton of other benefits.

Probably the best part of this website is the community. Nowhere else will you find people who know how to make money online and are willing to go to the trouble of creating training modules on their own with no compensation other than knowing they helped someone else along the path to becoming successful at affiliate marketing.

Now, what is affiliate marketing, you ask? Basically, affiliate marketing is telling someone else online, using a blog or video, about a product you have experience with, and letting them decide if they want to buy the product. If they buy the product from your recommended seller, you get a commission.

The customer doesn’t pay any more than if they bought it outright, but you’ve helped them decide whether that particular item is what they are looking for, so the company gives you a commission for directing the customer to them.

There are literally hundreds of millions of products and millions of retailers with affiliate programs. Including Amazon, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart, Target, to name a few, and untold others across the globe who have these affiliate programs.

And all the affiliate marketer does is write a review, or film a video, and let other people see it. There are large online companies who do nothing but handle affiliate programs for retailers, such as Rakuten.

christian work home business opportunities

If you stop and think about it, other than Social Media, what do people get online for? Information. And what will you do as an affiliate marketer? Give people the information they are looking for.

A product, a service, a weight loss program. Whatever you are familiar enough with to let other people know about.

Having used hand and power tools virtually all my life, I know about tools, so I have a tool website. I have a friend who knows all about weight loss, they have a great weight loss website.

In other words, all you’re doing is helping people with their buying decisions, because people with the right information will be satisfied buyers!

How do you get involved with the company?

The name of the company is Wealthy Affiliate.  Like I said, they offer free training.

Actually, when you sign up for the Premium Membership, you’ll get more free training than you can shake a stick at, including 120 lessons from the owners of the company, but weekly webinars by one of the affiliate marketers, and uncountable training modules from everything like SEO to keywords to social media techniques, and beyond.

christian work home business opportunities

Plus the fellow members write blogs all the time, telling you to avoid this pothole or avoid that pothole. Or this technique helped me, maybe it’ll help you!  I’ve not experienced so many people willing to help fellow entrepreneurs from around the world.

They don’t care where you’re from or what your background is, they are happy to help!

Where do you get to do affiliate marketing?  On your couch.  Or at your home desk.  You can do affiliate marketing when the kids are playing out back on the swing set.  Or when they are taking a nap.

You can do affiliate marketing in the evening after everyone is fed, you’ve put in your 8 hours at your J.O.B., or you’ve just come back from church.  It’s up to you because it’s YOUR business.  You can do it at the local Starbucks if you like!

christian work home business opportunities

I have a little video I put together explaining a bit about how to get on the site, create an account and get started on the free lessons.

Wealthy Affiliate Introduction Video

One thing those free lessons will do is take you through choosing your niche and actually creating your first website. You could stick with that forever.

But then you miss out on the 120 other lessons, and the great weekly webinars.  You’ll be missing the valuable interaction with other successful affiliate marketers. You also won’t have access to the other 50 websites you can create.   The satisfaction of one day being independent of a J.O.B will be harder to fathom.

So take the free membership with the attitude that if this is something you really want to do, then go Premium. If it’s NOT something you want to do, then you can delete your free membership and at least you know you got a taste of it.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

It will take persistence, effort and time to get it going. Some people hit the ground running and are well on their way in a month or two, but everyone gets this going in their own time.

Patience is required. And a little faith. If I didn’t tell you all that, I’d be lying. And that’s something I have a really hard time doing.  

No one said it would be easy.  But it will be worth it. Do NOT wait!  Your future is at stake here and you can try it for FREE.  

Go here to get FREE training to start your career as an Affiliate Marketer:

There you have it, my pick for a great Christian work home business opportunity.

Leave me a comment, if you like it let me know.


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