Integrate Abundance

Dream Big And Make It Happen

Ever find yourself stuck between two worlds?

Personal growth development plan

Ever find yourself stuck between two worlds?

Making the transition from working life to retired life is a good example of that. Now would be a great time to consult a Retirement Planning Specialist

This is opposed to a FINANCIAL PLANNER.

You want to make sure all you’ve worked for and achieved does not end up in the wrong hands or, worse yet, vanishing into thin air.  We’re talking about your LEGACY here.

You’re moving away from the standard of getting up every morning at the same exact time, dressing for the people you’ll meet during the day, the environment, and the anticipated situations of the day.

Then leaving your warm abode to go to your workplace, spending the day working for a different dream, most often not even your dream, but someone else’s, working with people who you may or may not even care for.  Only to arrive home, hit the sack and repeat the next morning.

And you’re moving toward a way of life where your time is now YOUR time, you spend it where and when you want to,  You get up when you want, you dress the way you’d like, you do what you want during the day because you can!

But making that transition from one chapter of life to the next is a big jump.

And certainly a big change in your life.  Sometimes that transition doesn’t happen overnight, sometimes the process takes a while to come to fruition, and it can become a gradual drudge.  Because you’re stuck between the old rock and the new hard spot.  Sandwiched between the past and the future.

One foot out of the old mudpuddle and one foot in the new hot tub.  You can’t pursue the new life because the old one hasn’t quite ended.  You can’t steal Second Base while your foot is on First.  It’s holding you back, keeping you from making the transition, feeling like a weight around your ankle.  personal growth development plan

It’s hard to move on and make plans for the new way of life.

Especially when you’re still working in the old way of life.  It’s like being a caterpillar and knowing eventually you’ll have wings but first you have to go through the transition.

How can you make short term plans when the short term is still tied to the old life, or maybe both the old and the new are intertwined to the point you’re living the old paradigm and the new paradigm is screaming for attention?

Sometimes one just has to go for it, sometimes the best thing to do is say goodbye and move on, grow those wings, fly away into the new life.  The old life is just that, the old life.  Once a part of your life, now a burden.  Time to move on, but being held back.  personal growth development plan

Then, when you do make that transition, you can see through all that fog, and the sun is shining.  

You can sit there on the couch until 9am, working on your websites or doing a crossword puzzle.  You can go have Thanksgiving lunch with your Kindergartner grandson at his school.

And you can see in his face you made his week!  Then you can go to the post office, drop the coats off to the dry cleaners, and realize the rest of the day is still yours, no need to rush back to work to take care of anything.

No, you can head into the craft room or out to the garage, maybe rearrange the tools, or pull up a chair and watch the leaves get blown around in the front yard.  Or maybe you’d like to volunteer your time at the local museum for the afternoon.  You have a minor bucket list that’s a hundred items long.

Take a walk around the lake, take the dog around the block, rake the leaves, cut down the old Peonies, go to a movie, Get ahold of old friends and make plans for lunch, golf, bowling, crafts, woodworking, and 89 other things.  Hang in there, it will bear fruit.  And once it bears fruit you will realize how sweet it is.

A great way to find your way through that deep swamp is a self help program, a personal growth development plan!  A program like The Platinum Years.

How can you tell if you would benefit from a Retirement Planning Specialist?  A person who could assist in creating a Personal Growth Development Plan?

All you have to do is answer these four questions.

  • Have you had a successful career in your or someone else’s business?
  • Are you concerned about what will happen to your hard-earned progress in the career you are leaving?
  • Are you worried what retired life will look like once you’ve left your successful career?
  • Are you ready to make the transition to retired life but need that extra boost of confidence to help you navigate the waters ahead?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you are ready to forge a Personal Growth Development Plan using The Platinum Years program.

Go here now to see what this program can do for YOU:

==> The Platinum Years <==

personal growth development plan

The only thing that may rain on your parade is your financial situation.

You have all that extra time to go golfing, hiking, biking, go to the lake.  But maybe you need a little extra cash.  You don’t really want to mow lawns or shag people’s cars to make a little extra money!

There are ways to make money that doesn’t take your money and certainly doesn’t take a lot of physical energy, because you’ve used your energy all your life for someone else’s dream, now isn’t the time to start spending your well earned retirement working for someone else again.

There is where we realize we have some spare time, we can devote a little mental energy to making some extra cash.  This is where most of us get lost.  Make money without expending energy, you say?

For yourself, not for anyone else?  Can you spell entrepreneur?  That’s it, your own business, spending your own time, and KEEPING all your well earned cash.  Not for anyone else’s dream, yours alone.  Here is a link to the best way I’ve found for Baby Boomers, or anyone else for that matter, to make some extra money.

Once you’ve read it, come on back for more information if you like.

When have you been stuck between the old way of life and the new way of life?  Let us know below!

As always, if you have any questions, we love hearing from you, ask below!

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